Thursday, December 8, 2016

Morgan's Final Assignment Anthology

Morgan Patrick
Professor Li
Final Assignment Anthology

The theme of all my post that I published this year is focused on film analysis, food/cooking scripts, and expressing my feelings through food. When looking up the course description of this class at the beginning of the year the clear objective was that “Through writing, students will explore questions such as: How can we think about food in conjunction with affect - including love, national or cultural pride, and anguish - through our exploration of food and feelings in writing? How can we use food to learn more about ourselves as well as other inhabitants of the world?” (Fall 2016 Emory Course Atlas). Having read and understood the objective of my ENG 101 class I think that all my writings/ blog post this year have definitely accomplished the goal of this class. All of my post fit into the theme of this class because they address my feelings, films which we watched and then analyzed, and lastly food is incorporated into every post. The small ‘lower-staked’ post prepared me for the ‘letter-grade assignments’ because, these post were usually between 200 - 600 words. The shortness of all of these post helped me figure out how to be very concise with my words while still getting my point across clearly to the reader. Word choice was a big factor in all my post. Word choice is important because, you do not want to waste the amount of words you have on words that do not help push your main idea along in your paper/post. The five post that I chose to revise for this Anthology Assignment are my Sleep Deprived Pie, Revised Photography - My Love for Breakfast Food, Revised Version of Eat Drink Man Woman Opening Screen Script, Revised Eat Drink Man Woman Analysis and my Proust Script.
Having revised my post I realize that I had a lot of grammatical errors, a couple word choice errors, lacking descriptive details and some sentence structure problems. Going forward in my writing career I will work on my sentence structure and constantly be rereading my post/ writing assignments to avoid any grammatical errors. For word choice I will use a thesaurus to help me find the more complex words to use throughout my papers/ post. The following sentences are from every post I edited showing at least one problem with the sentence and how I fixed the sentence.
Sleep Deprived Pie-
Original Version: “Due to the continuous, non-ending cycle of homework, exams, and projects I have lost countless hours of precious sleep in my life. My eyes, now carrying dark baggy circles, age me twenty years (Twenty years too early may I add). As an eighteen-year-old, I should not look and feel like a thirty-eight year old pushing forty. My weight is all over the place. The increase and decrease in my size has ultimately resulted in a new wardrobe based on too big sweatpants and sweatshirts.”
Revised Version: “Due to a continuous, non-ending cycle of homework, exams, and projects I have lost countless hours of precious sleep and am successfully drowning in my own life struggles. My eyes, now carrying dark baggy circles make me look more raccoon-ish than human. My face, drained and lacking color, looks as if I have aged twenty years. I am becoming old. By the time I even reach twenty, I will be retiring. This is problematic! As an eighteen-year-old, I should not look and feel like a thirty-eight year old woman pushing her early forties. My weight is all over the place like a scary rollercoaster. The increase and decrease in my size has ultimately resulted in a new wardrobe based solely on too big sweatpants and too small sweatshirts.”
Revised Photography - My Love for Breakfast Food
Original Version: “The relationship between man and food is all based on the emotional level of the person eating or cooking the food. For example, have you ever been to a restaurant a served a terrible meal? I have and I have seen this happen to many people.”
Revised Version: “The relationship between man and food is all based on the emotional level of the person eating or cooking the food. For example, have you ever been to a restaurant and was served a terrible meal? I have, and, I have seen this happen too many people.”
Revised Version of Eat Drink Man Woman Opening Screen Script
Original Version: “It’s a typical Chinese Sunday in the year of 1994. The sun rises and the birds chirp softly as if signing a sweet melody to begin the morning day. The world is at peace, everything is serene and in place. For a typical Chinese man or woman, the day immediately starts early. The chopping of food, and the slight pitter patter of the chef beginning to catch a rhythmic flow of his daily task can be heard from the kitchen.”
Revised Version: “It’s a typical Chinese Sunday in the year of 1994. The sun rises, the trees sway in the wind and the birds beginning to chirp softly as if signing a sweet melody to begin a beautiful morning day. The world is at peace. Everything is serene. Everything is perfect. The Earth feels warm and happy. For a typical Chinese man or woman, the day immediately starts early. The chopping of food, and the slight pitter patter of the chef beginning to catch a rhythmic flow of his daily task can be heard from the kitchen.”
Revised Version of Eat Drink Man Woman Analysis
Original Version: “The film clip, an opening scene to Eat Drink Man Woman, starts off with no background music, just the sounds of someone cooking feverishly. This generates a very tense environment, almost as if the cook is in a rush.”
Revised Version: “The film clip, Eat Drink Man Woman, starts off with no background music, just the sounds of someone cooking feverishly in a kitchen. This generates a very tense environment, almost as if the cook is in a rush.”
Proust Script  -
Original Version: “To start everyone let’s all have some tea. Tea and madeleines I have found are good together.”
Revised Version: “So, to start everyone off, let’s all have some tea. Tea and madeleines are good together, I have found.”

In all of the examples above my mistakes are very obvious. My writing process I chose to take when writing all of these post was a very informal approach. My informal approach seemed to be more relatable to the reader when describing food and my feelings about film or a film/ piece of work. By making my theme, point-of-view more understanding to the reader will result in my reader being able to understand my work more and want to continue reading. At the bottom of this page I have attached the links to the old version and revised version of all my post spoke on in the final assignment.

Sleep Deprived Pie

Revised Photography - My Love for Breakfast Food

Revised Version of Eat Drink Man Woman Opening Screen Script

Revised Version of Eat Drink Man Woman Analysis
New  Version -

Proust Cook Show Script  

Final Assignment Anthology - Revised Proust Cooking Show Script

*All stage directions will be italicized
Music starts. Camera starts with an extreme long shot and will move around the stage focusing mostly on the crowd who will be cheering.  Gradually the camera will focus back on to the stage and go into a deep focus/ close up shot. At the same time, I will be entering from the side of the stage walking/ jogging on to the stage while smiling and waving at the audience.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome your host Morgan Patrick!
Cheering sounds from audience and sound effects in background. Confetti will be blown up into the air as I jog on to the stage. Music fades and will stop at the drum roll.
Morgan: Hello Everyone!!! How is everyone doing today?!
Camera spins around to crowd in a crane shot, then quickly rotates back to me.
Morgan: Today I will be showing you all how to cook madeleines. I decided to make madeleines because I was inspired by a story I read called “The Proust” in which I had a similar experience as the main character of the story. So, to start everyone off, let’s all have some tea. Tea and madeleines are good together, I have found. I made this conclusion one day when “I was cold” and my mother “offered me some tea ….. [and per usual] I declined at first, and then, for no particular reason, changed my mind” for “[no] sooner had the warm liquid … touched my palate than a shudder ran through me and I stopped, intent upon the extraordinary thing that was happening to me … at once the vicissitudes of life had become indifferent to me, its disasters innocuous, its brevity illusory - this new sensation having had on me the effect which love has of filling me with a precious essence; or rather this essence was not in me it was me” (1). Now I was feeling all good, nice and cozy inside and then here comes my mother saying
[say in a mocking tone] “Morgan! Morgan!!! Child run down to the market and get me some of those “plump little cakes called “petites madeleines”” (1).”
So I get up and say “okkkkayyy” ([make sure to drag the word out very sadly]). And I get up and leave, taking my tea with me. I take another sip, “a second mouthful, in which I found nothing more than in the first, then a third, which gives me rather less than the second. It is time to stop [drinking this terrible tea because,] the potion is losing its magic” (1). So, I tossed it. When I finally got to the market and tasted one of these cute little “plump cakes called ‘petites madeleines’, which look as though they had been moulded in the flute valve of a scallop shell” with the complimentary tea the chef gave me, I had a new outlook on life. So, that is why all of us, whether you like it or not, will be having tea with me today.
(**pick up everything as item is said. Camera gets an extreme close up on me so people at home can see what these ingredients look like. )     
Now in order to make madeleines you will need 2 eggs, ¾ teaspoon vanilla extract,  teaspoon salt,  cup white sugar, ½ cup all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon lemon zest, ¼ cup butter, and  cup granulated sugar for decoration.
Camera zooms out.
So now what are we going to do is preheat the oven to 375. Goes to oven and punches in number. Head back to table and performs actions said.  Now we take our mixing bowl and beat the eggs, vanilla extract and salt together, gradually adding sugar until a thick batter is produced. Add  13 flour to mixture at a time then add lemon zest and melted butter into batter. Take spoon and gently mix batter together then pour into molds. Now we will let them cook for about 15 minutes or until they look golden. Heads to oven and places madeleines and pulls out already cooked batched. Now that we have our cookies ready we can place these cookies on a plate and add some decorations. And that is how you successfully make madeleine cookies. Thank you all so much for tuning in today, and as for the audience, everyone come on down and get yourselves some cookies!
Bye y’all!
Music comes on. Camera takes crane shot of crowd and the picture on camera becomes less focused. Show ends.
Farris, Judy. "French Butter Cakes (Madeleines) Recipe." Allrecipes. Allrecipes, 26 Aug. 2007.              Web. 28 Nov. 2016. .
Proust, M. (1913-27). Remembrance of Things Past. Volume 1: Swann's Way: Within a                    Budding Grove. 
The definitive French Pleiade edition translated by C.K. Scott                               Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin. New York: Vintage. pp. 48-51.

Final Assignment Anthology - Revised Eat Drink Man Woman Analysis

        The film clip, Eat Drink Man Woman, starts off with no background music, just the sounds of someone cooking feverishly in a kitchen. This generates a very tense environment, almost as if the cook is in a rush. Immediately, I felt as if the cook were planning an extravagant dinner or holding an important event for a large sum of people. All the movements the cook makes are quick and efficient while, the body language of the actor is portrayed as strict, serious and deep in concentration. Almost 35-40 seconds go by until the music finally starts to fade in. The music in the background is considered upbeat, chipper and relaxing, suggesting that, instead the cook is passionately cooking the food and going through the motions almost effortlessly. It is almost as if the cook seems to be cooking to the beat of the song playing.
Throughout the film the lighting of the scene was mostly dark with lots of shadows and dim lighting in the background. The only points when light was really displayed is when there had just been a scene/ clip of food being prepared or completed. Another scene, that was very bright in the background was when the cook went outside to collect a chicken. The scene starts off very bright and airy because the cook is outside, but as it gets closer to the cook killing the chicken the scene backgrounds get darker and, immediately, as the chicken dies, the lighting is dark and we, the viewers, can only see the outline of the cook and the chicken.
        The camera angles and extra sound effects are important to take into consideration as well. Everything in the film is close-framed not, wide-framed views. The camera zooms in on the food, the live animals, the man cooking, the knives, and the pots on the stove. The camera also captures the preparation process of each dish at the rate they are being prepared. The extra sound effects include chopping of vegetables, breaking bones, and the sizzling of the boiling water. These effects help the viewer to relate to being in a kitchen and cooking for all of those sounds are very normal sounds to have while cooking.   
In summary, for me, as I watched this clip I felt almost as an outsider to the situation due to the music, setting, and the way in which the man was cooking his food. The dark scene also seemed uninviting to me. One of the reasons I felt like an outsider is through the way in which the food was prepared. Live chickens, frogs, and fish were killed immediately before being cooked. In America, I feel this would be strange to the typical American because, our food is usually dead before it reaches the kitchen. If I were in this situation, I would feel awkward at first because, everything that is presented in the opening scene is very Asian oriented. Plus, the types of food being cooked are not typical foods I would eat or am accustomed to.

Final Assignment Anthology - Revised Eat Drink Man Woman Opening Scene Script

It’s a typical Chinese Sunday in the year of 1994. The sun rises, the trees sway in the wind and the birds beginning to chirp softly as if signing a sweet melody to begin a beautiful morning day. The world is at peace. Everything is serene. Everything is perfect. The Earth feels warm and happy. For a typical Chinese man or woman, the day immediately starts early. The chopping of food, and the slight pitter patter of the chef beginning to catch a rhythmic flow of his daily task can be heard from the kitchen.

Here you can see Chef Chu, a widower with three children, take on his daily task of making the daily meals for his family. He jumps starts his day in order to prepare his grand feast, a traditional dinner which is held every Sunday.

As a chef, he upholds the firm belief of everything being made by hand to ensure the freshness and the utmost success of the meal. Nothing is ever premade. All the meat and ingredients are found on his farm to uphold the idea of growing what you eat. Some of the traditional Chinese dishes he will make are fried fish, bbq duck, steamed pork belly, stir fried squid, and fish hot pot. Later in the evening he will gather with his family and they will feast on this meal.

Final Assignment Anthology - Revised - My Love for Breakfast Food

My appreciation for breakfast food began as a small child. During my childhood, my mother always told me breakfast was the most important meal of the day. As years have progressed in my life I could not agree more. My breakfasts are by no means dull. No cardboard cereal or blandly flavored food. It's go big or go home when it comes to breakfast food. My breakfasts consist of full course meals, ones which you would find at restaurants. You would never expect a child or a college student to prepare such extravagant meals for breakfast but, I do. My breakfast defines who I am. It starts me off on my day and sets the mood and pace for the day. Which, brings to my main point on how there is a unique bond/relationship between man and food.

The relationship between man and food is all based on the emotional level of the person eating or cooking the food. For example, have you ever been to a restaurant and was served a terrible meal? I have, and, I have seen this happen too many people. A majority of our reactions are all the same. We become disgusted, displeased with the restaurant,  grumpy, some even angry. Whereas, if provided a very pleasing meal your emotions will be more happy, joyful, pleasurable etc... For me food reflects my personality. Since I am a very bright person, my appetite caters towards bright, flavorful, spicy, sugary foods. I love the different combinations of foods and flavors that mix in my mouth when eating these type of dishes. I totally agree with Fanny Fern, an American columnist, who wrote that "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"(1). Food and our human emotions are intertwined. It is part of our lifestyle to love food. Food makes us who we are and defines where we are from.

In the photos below, take your time and enjoy them. Food is all about enjoyment. All photos were taken by me at the Original Pancake House. Their unique style to breakfast and enjoyment for making breakfast food is shown through the quality of their food. My breakfast experience has been great here and I will continue to enjoy their fantastic, fun and flavorful service and food.





Anthology Assignment - Revised Sleep Deprived Pie

Due to a continuous, non-ending cycle of homework, exams, and projects I have lost countless hours of precious sleep and am successfully drowning in my own life struggles. My eyes, now carrying dark baggy circles make me look more raccoon-ish than human. My face, drained and lacking color, looks as if I have aged twenty years. I am becoming old. By the time I even reach twenty, I will be retiring. This is problematic! As an eighteen-year-old, I should not look and feel like a thirty-eight year old woman pushing her early forties. My weight is all over the place like a scary rollercoaster. The increase and decrease in my size has ultimately resulted in a new wardrobe based solely on too big sweatpants and too small sweatshirts. There is only one thing that could make me feel better ….. sleep. However, that seems impossible these days resulting in my obsession over late night snacks and pies. From my zombie like state I have created my very own sleep deprived pie. I experience bittersweet emotions throughout the night as everyone else I know sleeps. The warmth of being in the kitchen as I mix the ingredients of this pie together, make me happy, even if it is just for a second. The simplicity of this pie makes it easy and enjoyable for everyone.
It starts off with a dough pie crust and banana slices are lined along the bottom. At the same time a bowl of dark chocolate is mixed and melted into liquid form. Then coffee beans are ground into a fine powder and poured into the bowl of dark chocolate. The chocolate and coffee beans are then slowly stirred together. After stirring for a while, the mixture is poured over the pie, filling every empty space. The pie is then left to sit while the oven warms to 350 degrees. When the oven reaches 350 degrees, the pie is then placed into the oven to cook for 50 minutes. Once 50 minutes has come and gone, the pie is removed from the oven with great care and left to sit for about 30 minutes. Whip cream is then cased over the pie with chocolate fudge, a dash of cinnamon, and strawberries. I can almost taste the pie now! The sweet and filling taste of the bananas lighten the mood. The dark chocolate is for the bitterness and anger I feel for having to go another day without sleep. The coffee beans are for a boost of energy to lift my angered spirits so I can get through another sleep deprived night. The whip cream, cinnamon, and chocolate fudge have a light and airy effect. Lastly, the strawberries remind me that there is something sweet and special in life and, that just because, I lose sleep another night in a row it’s all still worth it.

Monday, November 21, 2016



My reflection on my writing will focus on my Eat Drink Man Woman Opening Scene Script post. After reading over this short piece I have found multiple of grammatical and spelling errors and places where I should have expanded upon. Plus, the flow of the post could be better than what it is now. An example of a sentence where grammatical errors can be seen is “He jumps starts his day in order to prepare his grand feast, a traditional dinner which is held every Sunday.” The corrected sentence or a better version of that sentence could be “He jump starts his day in order to, prepare for a traditional grand feast dinner which is held every Sunday.” A place in my post where I could expanded upon an idea I was addressing or give a little more detail was where I said “It’s a typical Chinese Sunday in the year of 1994. The sun rises and the birds chirp softly as if signing a sweet melody to begin the morning day….” In this paragraph, I could have given a little more of a background to set up the scene and described the situation a little more. By this I mean what has happened in the year 1994, what does the cooks house look like, or maybe give a location of where the cook lives. I also could describe what the kitchen looks like since it is the main setting place in this clip. A minor spelling error can be seen when I write “birds chirp softly as if signing a sweet melody” when it should be “singing a sweet melody”. Besides these points I overall think I did a good job of getting my initial ideas on paper and stating them as clearly as possible. I think when working on this assignment that I could have revised it a couple more times and looked a little more closely at my post.